Corfu Non-Profit Organisations
Corfu has a number of non-profit organisations, some of them cultural
and others relating to animal welfare. A few of them are listed here.

The Ark
A registered charity formed in 1997 to alleviate the suffering of stray and abandoned animals on the island of Corfu.
Corfu Butterfly Conservation
A project initiated by concerned residents, island visitors and scientists from all over the world. Its goal is to stimulate informed interest and produce robust scientific data that can be used to influence policy and protect habitat for the benefit of Corfu’s butterflies and the wider natural environment, on which we all depend.
Mediterranean Garden Society
The MGS is an international forum devoted to furthering knowledge and appreciation of plants and gardens suited to the mediterranean climate regions of the world.
Panayiopoula Church, Corfu Town
This small Orthodox church is devoted to the Virgin Mother, the Odigitria. The Odigtria icon is the essence of the church and probably dates from the time the church was built, which is believed to be before 1650.