A Walk To A Spectacular View

A Walk To A Spectacular View

Distance - 4 km
Time - 2 hours
Start and end point - Doukades

Please note that this guide was written some years ago. It could be that the route may now be inaccessible in places. It is a good idea to check locally wherever possible.

The route leads from a Corfiot mountain village through olive groves to a tiny chapel.

Start at the square in Doukades. The village probably originated during a period of devastating pirate raids on Corfu’s coastal communities when people retreated to the more remote interior.

Continue along the main street for 30 metres, then go up right between stone steps and a telegraph pole. Climb to the old church with its red-domed apse. Keep to the right of the church and go up the stepped path.

Note the Venetian mansion on the right, complete with Italian name-plate on the wall.

When the path meets a roughly surfaced road, go right. Follow the road as it twists and turns uphill through olive groves. Leave the road where it bends sharply right and follow the rough track ahead crossing sections of ribbed concrete. Soon the track turns west and levels off.

This is typical olive–growing country, remote and with a variety of wild flowers in spring.

At a junction turn left. Go down through olive trees, then climb uphill. After a stoney section the track ends at a clearing. At the far side of this go down a narrow, rocky path to reach the tiny Chapel of St Simeon.

The chapel stands at the very edge of sheer cliffs. Take great care, of children especially, when close to the unprotected edge. There are spectacular views down to the Paleokastritsa road, south to the villages of Gardelades and Liapades, and to Paleokastritsa itself.

Retrace your steps along the same route back to Doukades.

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