A Drive Around South Corfu

A Drive Around South Corfu

Distance - 60 km
Time -4 to 5 hours, including stops at the Achilleion and Benitses
Start and end point - Corfu Town

This drive passes the Achilleion then continues south through Benitses and Boukari before returning along a winding mountain road.

Start at the Old Port in Corfu Town. Drive west from the Old Port along Xenofondos Stratigou and Eth Antistasseos. Continue along the coast road for 3 km to a big junction. Take the left turn, signposted Lefkimmi. Follow signs for Lefkimmi and Achilleion. Follow Achilleion signs to reach Gastouri and then the Achilleion, itself worth visiting.

Continue from the Achilleion and descend steeply through numerous bends to the coast road. Turn right and continue to Benitses.

Old Bentises, at the nothern entrance to the resort, is a charming place to explore.

Continue south to Moraitika. At the junction beyond the resort, where the main road bends sharply right, go straight across. In about 500 metres, at a T- junction, take the left turn, signposted Messongi Beach and Boukari Beach. At the next T junction by the supermarket, turn right and follow a narrow coastal road for 4 km to Boukari. Turn sharp right and uphill between taveras. Continue to Kouspades. Beyond the village, keep right at the next junction, signed Periti, then go downhill. At the next junction, on a right hand bend, keep right and continue to Neohoraki. Climb steeply to reach a T-junction at Argyrades (worth lingering in). Turn right.

Continue north and, after 9 km, cross a bridge. At a junction on a sharp right-hand bend, signposted Corfu andBenitses to the right, gostraight across on to a narrow road. Continue to Agios Deka. Drive very carefully through the village, then descend through several steep bends. At a T junction, go right, signposted Kerkyra, and follow the signs to town.

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