Corfu Recipes - KokkinistoThis page gives you the opportunity to re-create some of your favourite Corfiot recipes at home. This time, Kokkinisto (chicken in red sauce). Ingredients - A medium sized chicken. 4-5 fresh tomatoes, chopped and drained. A chopped onion. 2 glasses dry white wine. 3 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley. A pinch of dried marjoram or thyme. Salt and pepper. Instructions - Wash and dry the chicken. In a frying pan, heat the butter and cook the chicken over high heat, turning constantly to avoid burning. Remove the chicken pieces when browned and place in a casserole dish. Lower the heat and saute the onion until soft, then add the wine and tomatoes. Simmer until thickened then add to the casserole. Sprinkle the parsley and herbs over the chicken, season lightly with salt and pepper and shake the casserole gently. The chicken should be almost covered with liquid; if not, add a little water. Cover tightly and simmer over a low heat or transfer to a medium oven to bake for 1 hour or until the chicken is tender and the sauce thick. Serve warm. Recipe Archive